Customize all default settings for your test setup by following these steps.
- Recruiter license access
Accessing Advanced Settings:
1. Click on the user icon in the top-right corner.
2. Select Settings from the dropdown menu.
3. Click on Advanced Settings in the left navigation pane.
Adjusting the Advanced Setting Options:
1. Default Candidate Tags (Tests): Specify candidate tags to identify candidates invited by you. You can add more than one tag.
2. Default Template for Test Invites: Add a default template for test invites. This template will be used for all invites sent by you.
3. Default Invite Expiration Time: Set the default invite expiration time for all your tests (applies to invites sent via the website or API key).
5. Default Test Reminder Time: Check the box to set a default reminder time for all candidates across all your tests. Only one reminder email will be sent per candidate.
6. Default Test Reminder Time: Checking this box will unlock 3 options
- Invite without an expiration: You must specify this field if your test has no expiry date.
- Reminder Email Contents: Cutomize the text you would like the candidate to see
Note: If you configure the email setting on the Advanced Settings page and the Invite Candidates page differently for a particular test, the settings configured in the Invite Candidates page will take precedence for a particular test.