In a hiring process, we believe the primary focus will be on assessing a candidate’s skills Vs the language they speak. To ensure fair evaluation, candidates should be allowed to take assessments in their preferred language. This includes the language used in emails, the login screen, and the coding environment. HackerRank offers companies the option to select either English or Canadian French as the candidate-facing language when sending out tests.
Enabling Canadian French for a Test
1. Navigate to the test settings page and select the General tab.
2. After changing the language in the General settings, the system will automatically update the candidate-facing content in the Candidates and Email tabs of Test Administration.
3. Review and update the following sections under the Candidates tab:
- Candidate Details Fields
- Disclaimer Text
- Instructions Text
4. Review and update the following sections under the Email tab:
- Reminder Emails
- Confirmation Email
5. Once these sections are verified, invite candidates by clicking Invite. Ensure the email content aligns with the candidate’s preferred language.
6. To modify existing content in the email invite, you can manually replace the text or use the Template functionality:
- Create a new template by clicking Create Template.
- Enter the content in the candidate’s preferred language. Name the template, provide a relevant subject line, and Save.
- Once saved, click Use this template. You can also mark it as your default template by clicking the star icon next to the template name.
Candidate Experience
Invite Email: The content of the invite email will be in Canadian French, and the footer text will automatically match the candidate’s preferred language.
Candidate Site: The candidate will experience the login screen and test environment, including related options, in their preferred language.
Note: Once a test is published in a specific candidate-facing language and candidates are invited, it is recommended not to change the language for that test. Only the default text will be translated. Custom text added by the user will not be translated, even after changing the language.
Will the entire candidate experience be in Canadian French if the candidate-facing language is changed?
No. When the candidate-facing language is selected as Canadian French, except for the question text which needs to be manually translated from English, everything else will be in Canadian French for the candidate.