When you create a Database Engineer question, you can upload a CSV to create a table. Each of the database systems that are supported, handles floating-point values differently. This article provides you with an example to show how each database system handles the floating-point values. Currently, HackerRank supports Microsoft SQL, MySQL, Oracle, and DB2 databases.
Floating Point Values Sample
The following example shows how different database systems handle the data. When creating a Database Engineer question, take into account that the queries return different results depending on the database system used, and scoring is done by basic string comparison.
A table named Employee with the following CSV with 5 columns. The points column is afloat.
For the query "SELECT * from Employee", the following databases treat the float data in the following ways:
In Oracle, the points column is of type FLOAT. The output is as follows:
1 5608 1 .59 4
1 5608 2 8.7 5
1 5608 3 4.99 1
1 5608 5 2.88 3
1 5608 9 .79 1
1 5608 5 7.58 1
Oracle database trims the leading zeros.
In MySQL, the points column is of type FLOAT. The output is as follows:
1 5608 1 0.59 4
1 5608 2 8.7 5
1 5608 3 4.99 1
1 5608 5 2.88 3
1 5608 9 0.79 1
1 5608 5 7.58 1
MySQL prints the data as it is provided.
In MS SQL, the points column is of type REAL. The output is as follows:
1 5608 1 0.58999997 4
1 5608 2 8.6999998 5
1 5608 3 4.9899998 1
1 5608 5 2.8800001 3
1 5608 9 0.79000002 1
1 5608 5 7.5799999 1
MS SQL prints an approximate value. Use the data type DECIMAL (10, precision) to fix the places after the decimal that are required in the output. If you change the schema-creating SQL we generated from the CSV so that the points column is of type DECIMAL(10, 2), the output changes to this:
1 5608 1 .59 4
1 5608 2 8.70 5
1 5608 3 4.99 1
1 5608 5 2.88 3
1 5608 9 .79 1
1 5608 5 7.58 1
MS SQL removes the leading zeros.
In DB2, the points column is of type DECFLOAT. The output is as follows:
1 5608 1 0.59 4
1 5608 2 8.7 5
1 5608 3 4.99 1
1 5608 5 2.88 3
1 5608 9 0.79 1
1 5608 5 7.58 1
DB2 prints the data as it is provided.