In this article
HackerRank for Work allows admins to share access to a particular test with other teams or users. Similarly, access to a test can be revoked from a team or user. All users that are part of a team that the test owner belongs to, automatically have access to the test. Test access can be shared with other teams and users.
Steps to Granting and Revoking Access to a Test
- You must have created the test. If you are the owner of the test you must have shared it with users or teams using the share test option, as described here.
Granting Test Access
- Click on the Tests tab on the home page and then click the test name to which you want to provide access.
- On opening the test, click on the vertical ellipsis present on the far right of the screen (next to the invite button), and choose the share option.
- The displayed dialog box has two sections: On the left section, you can choose the teams and users with whom you want to share the test.
- The Access Control section helps you decide on different levels of access to provide to a particular team or user.
- Once you have provided access, the teams or users and the level of access given to them are visible on the right-hand side of the same dialog box.
Revoking the Test Access
- Click on the Tests tab on the home page and then click the test name to which you want to revoke access.
- On opening the test, click on the vertical ellipsis present on the far right of the screen (next to the invite button), and choose the share option.
- The displayed dialog box has two sections, the right section shows the list of teams and users the test has been shared with.
- With the exclusion of owners, next to each team and user, there is an option to Remove. This removes a team or user from the list that can access the test.
- After removal, access to the test is successfully revoked for those users (or teams) that have been removed.