In this article
Once you have created a team in Teams Management, HackerRank allows you to delete any existing team if you are either the Team Admin or the Company Admin. This article walks you through the steps to delete a team.
Steps to Delete a Team
- You must be the admin of the team that you want to delete, or you must hold Company Admin privileges.
- On successfully logging into your HackerRank for Work account, click on the arrow next to the user icon in the top right corner of the home page, and select Teams Management. This leads you to the Teams Management page.
- On the displayed page, search for the team you want to delete and click on the name.
- Once you click on the team name on the displayed page, the team's tab opens on the right pane of the screen.
- You must have removed all team members before you can delete the team. If the team still has existing members, you will be asked to remove them before removing the team.
- You can remove a team member by clicking on the Delete icon attached to their name as shown below.
- Once you have an empty team, click on the delete icon shown in the image below.
- Click on the Delete Team to delete that team permanently.