HackerRank for Work performs an automated web search on HackerRank Library questions and marks them as “Leaked” in case it finds any matching content on the internet.
In addition to this, if you find any matching link, you can also report it to HackerRank. The team will review your request and flag the reported question as “Leaked” in case of a valid matching link.
Note: See Managing Leaked Questions to learn more about Leaked Questions.
Reporting if a Question is Leaked
- Login to your HackerRank for Work account and go to the Library tab.
- Search for HackerRank library questions.
- From the menu on the top right corner of the question page, select the Report Question Leak option.
In the pop-up window that opens, provide the link to the site where you found a matching question. You can enter multiple links in the box separated by a comma.
Click Submit.
- When you submit, the leaked flag request gets submitted to HackerRank for review, and you get a confirmation on the same in a pop-up.
Approximately, a duration of 15 days is required to update the library.
A toast notification confirming the submission of the request appears on the screen, and the status of the question gets updated to Under Review for Leaked Flag.
- Once you report a question leak, the HackerRank team reviews your report against matching links on the internet. If the team finds matching links, we mark the question as “Leaked”. If we do not find any matching link, we do not make any changes.
- Once the review is completed, you will receive an email with the review report and the actions taken against your request.