The Roles Management module in HackerRank for Work platform is designed to give more control and structure to the hiring process. Customers can leverage HackerRank Roles Management to plan and implement end-to-end hiring for a Role. Users can create Roles and map them to specific skills that meet the requirements for the Role. Online tests, interviews, and Candidate Packet can be mapped to a Role.
Roles on HackerRank
Roles are job positions in any company for which candidates are hired. At HackerRank, a ‘Role’ is a collection of skills that match the skills required for a particular job.
HackerRank has defined a set of skills and key competencies based on Industry standards vetted by the HackerRank Skills Advisory Council. We are creating high-quality questions aligned to Skills, which can help assess candidates to ensure accurate insights on their competency levels.
Default Roles
Default roles are already present in HackerRank, comprising a set of skills. These skills are chosen based on market research and data from existing users and vetted by subject matter experts such as the advisory council, among other SMEs. A custom role can be created if a role is unavailable or differs from the default one.
Custom Roles
You can create roles for your company inside the HackerRannk account. Currently, company admins can create these roles. All users within the Company can use the roles.
On the roles management page, click on the Create Role button.
On the following popup window, you will be asked to give a name to your role and add the related skills. Once you are done with it, click on Publish Role.
Once published, roles can not be edited. You can archive the role and create a new one with the same name if you want to edit a role.
You can find the published role in the active tab on the Roles page. You can quickly access the search bar on the left pane to search for your desired role.
Using the Roles
The list of all the available roles on HackerRank (default + custom) is displayed when creating a Test. Click here to learn more about creating a test based on a specific role.
You can also schedule an Interview with candidates on this list of traditional roles. You can map a CodePair session to a specific role by selecting the same from the dropdown inside the CodePair scheduling page. If you would like to learn how to schedule an interview, you can click here.
You can also select a role and create a Test or an Interview using that role by clicking on the 3 dots icon placed at the right end.
Duplicating a Role
You can copy an existing role by selecting the Duplicate option.
Archiving a Role
You can archive any role by selecting the archive option.
You can find the ones you have archived in the Archived Roles section on the Roles Management page.
If you want to use that role again, you can use the restore function to make it active.