HackerRank for Work provides Detailed Test reports which help you review your candidate's performance in a test. These test reports are generated once the candidate submits their test, their answers are evaluated, and the scores are assigned based on the scoring mechanism.
Based on the Question type, the Detailed test report includes specific options to view, playback, compile, render, compare, and download the candidate's answer or solution. With these capabilities in the report, you can conduct a detailed evaluation of the answers, change scores, and record your feedback.
- You must have at least one test attempt by the candidate.
Viewing Detailed Reports
- Navigate to Tests and select the required Test.
- Click the Candidates tab, and select a candidate entry.
- On the Candidate's Summary tab, click View detailed from Questions section to open the detailed reports. You can also click on the individual questions to open detailed report for that specific question.
Key Features of a Detailed Report
Upon clicking on View Detailed, you will be taken to the Detailed Report page, where your selected question from the candidate’s test will be loaded along with their answer in full-screen mode.
- On the right pane of the page, you can see the Problem Statement, which is closed by default. You can open it by clicking on the Problem Statement dropdown.
- On the top of the page, you can toggle between the questions using the Previous/Next options. The All Questions dropdown, allows you to access all the questions from the candidate’s test.
- You can see the Evaluation Status on the top left corner of the page. The candidate’s preferred language used to answer the question is also displayed.
- In the center, you can find the Review Code option, which will take you to the candidate’s Interview experience, where you can review the code submitted by the candidate.
Note: In a scenario where the question in a test is modified after a candidate has attempted the test, the Review Code option from the detailed reports is removed, and recruiters cannot use this option.
- Using the Score tab, you can also assign or modify the score for a question based on your assessment.
- On the bottom of the page, you can see the Test Cases. Here you can see the Test case type, its result, the score candidate attained for a particular test case, the time taken by the candidate for the test case, the memory used, and the option to check the Output Diff.
- Note: This tab is only for those question types which consist of Test Cases.
- On the Attempt Activity tab, you can see if there is any plagiarism match among the candidates or if the code is copied from an outer source. In case of plagiarism, you will be informed about the Match Percentage source of the plagiarism. You can click the View Diff to see the difference between both codes.
- On the comments tab, you can find the comments by all the recruiters who have evaluated the candidate’s attempt. You can also write a comment in the given placeholder and publish it by clicking on Comment.
Code Playback
Using the detailed reports, you can check the candidate’s test activity using the Keystroke Code Playback.
- The entire activity of the candidate answering a question will be screen recorded and presented to you in a video format, enabling you to evaluate the candidate more effectively.
- The code playback option automatically highlights the active timeline, making it easy for you to go through the playback without wasting time.
- The Skip Inactivity option is enabled by default which helps you to play the code playback without dead air moments where there is no activity by the candidate.
- You can also control the playback speed by clicking on the 1x button.
Note: The Code Playback feature is available only for Coding questions.
View Detailed Report for Each Question Type
The basic components of the Detailed Reports are the same for every question. A few options can differ according to the question type. The detailed report view for the rest of the question types is explained below.
Sentence Completion
The correct answer will be highlighted with a green tick icon and the incorrect answer with a red cross icon.
The correct answer will be marked in a squared green tick for the MCQ-type questions, while the candidate's answer status will be marked with rounded icons.
For this question, the candidate's code will be on the top of the page to check the output. You can click on the Rendered Output option at the bottom to check the rendered output.
You can also download the candidate’s answer by clicking the Download Answer button.
Subjective questions must be evaluated manually. You can review the candidate’s answers and score them accordingly using the Scoring tab.
You can view the complete flowchart or diagram submitted by the candidate along with the explanation on your screen. You can assess the answer and assign a relevant score.
For database engineer questions, you can:
- View the database code and the language used.
- Compare the expected output against the candidate's output on the Output tab.
The candidate’s answer will be shown on the report page for the whiteboard questions. You can evaluate it and give a score.
For the DevOps questions, you can:
- View the session playback recording.
- download the bash history and the session recording files
- view the output log for your check script.
Data Science
For the Data Science questions, a Jupyter notebook will be launched. You can choose between the Repository view and the IDE view.
The Scorecard is available at the bottom of the page.
Front-end, Back-end, and Full stack
For the Front-end, Back-end, and Full stack questions, you can toggle between the Repository view and IDE view, download the zip file, and view or download the Scoring Logs.
The Scorecard is available at the bottom of the page.
File Upload
For the file upload questions, you can download the file by clicking on the Download File button at the center of the page and manually evaluate it.
You can visit below pages to get more details on Test Insights.