HackerRank is a technology hiring platform that helps companies seamlessly hire skilled developers in a remote-first environment. You can use the HackerRank Platform to objectively evaluate tech talent at every stage of your company's recruiting process. This article will help you get started with the important features of HackerRank Screen.
HackerRank Library
The HackerRank Library is a repository of all the questions that can be used to create Tests. HackerRank for Work allows you to generate Tests according to specific hiring requirements. The HackerRank Library provides you the option to choose the relevant questions for the hiring Tests, thereby helping to assess candidates with the right skills and experience.
The Library contains a collection of readymade Questions of various types and complexities, categorized across multiple programming languages. The HackerRank Team has bundled these Questions together, which you can use to build Tests and assess your candidates’ skills relevant to specific job Roles.
Additionally, for custom requirements, you can create new questions in HackerRank and store them in a personal section called 'My Company questions' within the Library. You can manage your questions and use questions created by other HackerRank Team members.
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In the below steps, you will learn about the complete process of conducting a HackerRank Test.
Creating a Test
HackerRank allows you to create Tests to assess candidates. After candidates complete and submit the Tests, the answers can be evaluated in HackerRank to assess their skills and competence for the job. You can create Tests based on a specific role or customize the tests based on your hiring requirements.
- Access the Tests page in HackerRank.
- Click the Create Test option.
- You will then be asked to select an applicable role for your test. Based upon your choice, you will then be provided options to create a test from scratch or use a recommended test. Recommended tests include screening questions from the HackerRank library designed to assess the skills aligned to the selected role; note that you will be able to alter the test questions on a recommended test. Create from scratch will bring you to a blank test, where you will choose which questions are included; no questions will be incorporated by default.
Note: This interface may appear different in your experience of HackerRank, but regardless of your interface, the selection of the role is an essential step in the test creation process. - Once you create a test, you can add questions from the library, create questions, or add sections to the test.
- Upon clicking the Add from Library option, you will be taken to the HackerRank Questions library; you can also click on the My Company tab to access custom questions your organization has created.
- Use the filtering options within the pane on the left to access screening questions that meet specific stipulations: (Aligned role, specific skills, type of question, difficulty level, recommended time, and more.)
Want to learn more?
HackerRank Academy
Access on-demand training courses on HackerRank Screen, including test creation, working with the HackerRank library, creating custom questions, and more available through the HackerRank Academy.
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Test Settings
HackerRank for Work allows you to modify the basic settings of your test. Most of these settings are created by you while creating the test initially.
- Click on the Tests tab on the home page and then click on the test name for which you want to modify the settings.
- Once the test opens, click on the Settings option.
- You can then access the various test settings by clicking the tabs on the left.
Supported Articles
- Modifying General Settings for Tests
- Modifying Question Settings for Tests
- Modifying Score Settings for Tests
- Modifying Candidate Settings for Tests
- Configuring the Test Integrity Settings
- Adding a Time Accommodation to a Candidate Test Invitation
Inviting Candidates
HackerRank for Work enables you to invite candidates to take a Test. Test invites can be sent to candidates through an email containing the link to access the Test and other details. You can customize your email invites and save them in different formats, known as Templates.
Note: Candidates can only be invited to test by a user with a Recruiter License. Hiring managers need to ask their Recruiters to send invitations to the candidates.
- Tests will need to be published in order to invite candidates; click Publish.
- Click Invite.
- Enter one or multiple candidate email addresses, or upload a CSV file.
- View and update email.
- Access templates to create or use your own saved templates and those shared with you.
Note: There are often cases where candidates are unable to complete a Test due to a power outage or loss of connectivity. In such cases, if you like the candidates to retake the test, you can send them another invite for the same Test without deleting the previous reports of invites and attempts.
Supported Articles
- Inviting Candidates to a Test
- Using Custom Email Invite Template
- Customizing Test Invite Email Settings
- Reinviting Candidates to a Test
- Adding a Time Accommodation to a Candidate Test Invitation
Test Insights
The Test Insights page provides statistical information to help analyze your candidate's performance trend in a Test. Use the insights to measure the effectiveness of your Tests in selecting the right candidates.
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Test Reports
The Candidates page of a Test lists individual entries for all the candidates with their Test statuses indicated, such as "Invited," "To evaluate," "Passed," etc. This page allows you to access their detailed Test performance reports, manage the evaluation process, and includes capabilities to search, filter, and sort the candidate entries.
While managing the candidate entries, you can perform operations such as granting additional test time to candidates and re-inviting candidates to the Test.
After your candidates have attempted their Tests, you can access their detailed Test Reports to get a question-wise comprehensive view of their submitted answers, code solutions, automatically evaluated scores, test case execution statuses, logs, etc. The report is generated based on the defined scoring mechanism.
To help you classify candidates who provide genuine solutions in your Tests, HackerRank facilitates code quality checks and plagiarism detectors in detailed Test reports.
You can quickly launch an IDE from within the Test report to view and compile the candidate's code and evaluate the solution for specific coding questions, such as Full-stack Questions.
For the purpose of detailed evaluation and sharing with external stakeholders, HackerRank allows you to download the Test Reports as PDF or Excel files.
The above capabilities assist with a thorough evaluation of your candidates' Test performances while successfully moving forward with your hiring process.
Supported Articles
- Filtering and Sorting Candidate Reports
- Adding Time to a Candidate's Test
- Viewing Candidates Detailed Test Reports
- View Code Quality
- Plagiarism Detection
- Downloading PDF and Excel Test Reports
HackerRank provides a unique live coding platform for conducting technical interviews online. Typically, if a candidate is shortlisted from the first level of assessments, then an Interview can be conducted. Interviews with HackerRank allow you to recreate an experience similar to an on-site interview. It is a time-efficient and cost-effective method to evaluate candidates remotely. The HackerRank Interview gives you the ability to gauge a candidate's coding and problem-solving ability in real time.
Read more about interviews here.