In this article
You can edit the questions in your personal library which are listed under the 'My company questions' section of the HackerRank library. This section lists all the questions which are created by you and other members of your HackerRank team. Questions created by other team members can be modified only if you are granted edit permissions to the question. This article will walk you through the steps to edit a question.
Note: You can only edit your company questions that are present inside the library. HackerRank questions are non-editable.
- The questions you want to edit must exist in your personal library.
Editing a Question in the Library
- Log into your HackerRank account and go to the Library tab from the top navigation bar.
- Under "My Company Questions" you will be able to view the questions that are created by you and other team members within your company.
- From the left pane, you can use the search bar or use other filter options to search the question that you want to edit.
- Once the question is displayed, hover the mouse over it and click on the Edit option as shown below. The specific question type page should be displayed.
- Make the required changes.
- Click on the Save and Proceed button to save the changes to the question.
Refer to the specific Question Creation topics to understand the steps to create each type of question. Similar steps are applicable for modifying each question type.