Section-based testing provides you with an organized experience with different logical categories based on skills or difficulty levels.
Section-based testing also allows you to customize the test further by:
- Allowing candidates to revisit a previous section after they finish solving questions from a further section, etc.
- Also, the candidate can save time in one section which can roll over into the next section to allow greater utilization of time.
Creating Test Sections
When you create a test, the platform creates the sections based on related skills. For the custom/blank tests you can start by adding your desired skill sections, or add the questions to an unnamed section which you can name later based on your requirement.
The difficulty level and score of all the questions going into a section should ideally be the same.
Tip: You can create as many sections as you want, and then add questions to each section.
Within a section there are options to either Add from Library or Create Question to add questions to the section. You can Try, Replace or Remove a question from the section by clicking on the vertical ellipse menu as shown below.
The section settings provide you with many intricate settings such as section-time limit, picking questions randomly and so on.